Jun 30, 2010

25th June 2010, Kuala Lumpur Critical Mass ride

A small brawl/negotiation between cyclist and police during critical mass ride on 25th of June 2010.
Video shot by Muzaffar Mohktaza


  1. man...theres tears in me eyes..there is hope for the oppress and those who dissent...

  2. sekali sekala mereka mmg patut ditunjuk ajar.biar diorang tahu apa hak kita juga.tapi harap tiada permusuhan.

  3. fuck the police

  4. cam rempit je korang ni. nak buat camne, budak-budak lagi. tak matang.

  5. cam sial le. budak yg kepo tu kalau aku jumpe kat jalan aku langgar je.

  6. orang lain pun kayuh fixed gear gak. tapi takde le besar kepala cam korang ni. buat malu je.

  7. kami bukan aje besar kepala,tapi besar jiwa pasal berani menetang ape yg kami rasa tak adil..ye laa takkan arap beskal jek ribu ribu tapi bila nak tegakkan hak sendiri mengecut jek tunduk senang kena buli.takkan nak asik berapi sembang harga beskal jek ribu ribu tapi depan polis cuak!beb WE ARE IN IT FOR LIFE!NOT FOR SOME FUCKING TREND!

  8. Anonymous vs Anonymous... lol...

  9. ...beraney kasi taruk name la wey... hekeleh! ;D


  10. Lu tak tau cerita jangan main boh je.Besar kepala pejadahnya,kalau kene kat lu baru lu tau.Kalau kami budak2 pun apa masaalah? Kami budak berani against opression,bukan macam lu,tua bangka masih dipijak pijak.

    Ko ingat kita suka2 ke maki diorang? mcm lu suka2 tuduh kami? lu ngan polis tuh pon sama bangang.Basikal mahal2,sembang dentam dentum,kene opress tunduk .Ditindas atau bangkit melawan!

    -its not a fuckin rich people game,we're in it for life.

  11. ride safe. Btw, i know for some reason fixie is becoming a trend in Malaysia, and most who are riding are not an avid cyclist. There are ethics in cycling. If u show a good image, both motorist and cyclist respect each other. You dont have to rebel all the time without no reason.

    And riding in a mass, critical mass are for those who commute everyday with bicycle and not those just showing off their bikes just a day in a month. I myself commute and it is safe. U just need to adapt with the traffic.

    I've rode with you guys. Cheers
